I know I'd probably be killed and beaten up into mush if these girls found out I'd taken their picture, but hey, I couldn't help it. Dhofari thobes (what they're wearing) are SO beautiful on girls in the South. The colors are cheerful, and they look so graceful. I love it when I see girls walking around in thobes in public places like these. I was at Ain Arzat (Arzat water spring) on Friday (after a hectic Thursday wedding. Please read Marilyn Manson post below if you haven't already. Kindly note the
makeup issue) on my way to Mirbat. I like to run up to the cave at Arzat and feel on top of the world (or on top of the water spring is more like it). The place was empty, thank goodness, so I had the whole cave to myself. I noticed new graffiti on the walls of the cave. Shame. Something like 'Emarati Wa Bas'... What the hell? So a guy comes all the way from the UAE to spray paint his initials on OUR caves? How immature is that. It's just plain childish. I've noticed that in places like Mughsyal too. In Mughsayl they've got a sign up saying 'Leave Nothing But Footprints, Take Nothing But Memories, Welcome to Al Marneef Cave', and some idiots have painted graffiti all over the sign.
Besides that, I've got nothing much to say. Preparations for the festival seem to be going well. Opening date July 15. Workers, officials, tourism dudes, engineers :-) hard at work to make it perfect. Waiting for a decent amount of rain before I declare the arrival of the REAL monsoon. Humidity unbearable.