Monday, December 26, 2011

Dhofar Tonight

Pay attention if you're an expat living in Salalah!

Tonight is the final soccer match for the Sultan Qaboos Cup. Both teams that made it to the finals this year are Dhofari teams (Al Ittihad/green - Nadi Dhofar/red). This is HUGE for us. In both cases, Salalah is going to be on fire tongiht because the cup is staying here.

Furthermore, because both teams that made it to the finals are Dhofari, the final match was moved to Salalah. It's taking place at the Saada Sports Stadium (next to Dhofar university). The game starts at 7:30 (live on TV), but doors open at 3 p.m and people are advised to get their early. Entrance is free, and there's a special section of the stadium for ladies. I'm tempted.

If you notice an abnormally large number of police cars around town, don't worry. However, if you want to avoid traffic jams and thousands of crazed boys hanging out of car windows painted red/green, I advise you to stay home. It's going to be wild when the game is over (around 9:30 I guess). Be prepared to see lots of Madar (Dhofar celebratory dance, usually seen after soccer matches).

In case you were wondering, Dhofari Gucci is a loyal Dhofar club fan, so I'll be wearing my brightest red thobe tonight.



  1. can't wait yaaaay :)

  2. Brings back the memories!!! We used to play in Naadi Itehad and support it when we were kids because we stayed very close to the club and our cousins used to stay near and support Naadi Dhofar, but later when we grew up we realized that Itehad would never be able to defeat Dhofar.

    Love and miss both the clubs and Salalah anyway.

    God Bless them

  3. all Oman stund in one foot to watch thes game between the brothers ..Am not intreset in football but am acting as the one how play football ,>>brbrbr my life story .thanx good blooger
