Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ramadan Driving

Do I really need to comment? Nah!


  1. salam :) saw something similar but this was AFTER iftar which made it all the more odd! some idiot (a guy) who apparently drives worse than any woman i know, totaly backed up into the pavement AND the stop sign at CCC, and (this must be a regular occurrence) coz he didn't even bother to stop. just put the car into drive and carried on on his merry way.. and they talk about female drivers *eye roll*

  2. Actually, I have a theory that FEMALES are better drivers than men. OK, so the occasional female doesn't know how to back in to a parking space, but hey, most men have trouble too!! Women are more careful in life, and thus more careful as drivers. We drive with both hands 'firmly' on the steering wheel, pay attention to all mirrors, etc. But your CCC idiot is 'it'!

  3. Good morning Nadia
    Am sure the one who hit that sign is Female
    Ask me why?

  4. Dont kill me Nadia

    Ladies are more attracted to colors than men!
    The pole has a blue sign... No more words!

  5. Don't kill me M.D

    How about 33% of men are color-blind when it comes to green and red, and thus they cannot see the red 'STOP' sign clearly.

  6. Ok am with you, men cannot see red they see blue!
    The pole in the picture hit from the blue side not from the red side... explain please

  7. M.D

    I give up. Get lost!



  8. Hey, as an expat here in salalah I have to say that this place has the worst drivers of any I've ever seen, including Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Italy, West Africa and China. Well done!
    WHY can't people here judge distances and speeds of oncoming cars when they pull out?

    WHY can't people use their indicators. Do they think that other drivers are psychic and can guess their intentions.

    WHY the hell would you over take on the left a vehicle which is turning to the left?

    WHAT IN THE WORLD makes the people here so addicted to using their mobile ohones while driving? Sure, people all over the world do this, but Dhofaris seem to wait until they get into a car to start phoning people. As a cautionary measure, they'll slow down. on a highway. In a 120km zone. That's safe.

    AND WHAT THE HELL IS IT WITH KIDS. People, your children are precious. They are not protected from car accidents by some magic voodoo. And they distract you. Put them in the back with seatbelts on, not on your lap while driving. And not, as I saw the other day, in the back of your sideless pick-up truck going round the clock roundabout at 60 k an hour. The two children in question here were both younger than 6, I'd say. Maybe their parents didn't want them any more?

    AS FOR THE COMMENTS ABOVE from an outsider's perspective, almost all the problems in this region stem from your menfolk. Women rock! This particularly applies to driving. Every single case of unbelievable stupidity behind the wheel has been a man in my experience. the few women drivers I encounter are cautious, sure, but not unsafe or idiotic or selfish or distracted. And I'm sure they didn't aquire their licenses out of a cornflake packet, which is where I think the majority of Dhofari mens licences come from. Especially those belonging to 12 year old boys and ancient bearded mountain men in pick-up trucks who seem to exist in a parrallel trafic universe.....

    My rant for the day

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  9. Dear Ms/Mr Driving-Ranter-for-the-day,

    I took the liberty of publishing your comment as a post. I hope you don't mind!
