Monday, March 7, 2011

Updates on Salalah Protest (6)

11th day of protests in Salalah. This morning, the Omani Women's Association in Salalah went on strike. What do they want? Removal of a so-called 'corrupt' director (also a woman). Sigh.


  1. What is happening to Salalah. Sudden spurt of protests. Where it is going to lead.

  2. Those women in black better off to be inside not to burn themselves in order to show off that they are strong too.
    But they cannot due to the spread of this epidemic indiscriminately in the Arab World.

  3. Seriously now this is getting out of hand *shakes head*

  4. this "flavour of the week" protesting is getting ridiculous.

  5. This is ridiculous!

  6. I say everyone that sees an injustice should ride the protest wave! I mean, come on! When will be the next time that people will tolerate protests? So what if there are a few people "protesting" silly things? If the women above think that their director is corrupt then they should be allowed to protest. It might be silly to us, but for one to say "Stop" this is outright wrong.
