(1) I was reading G-Chan's blog this morning and she said it takes her at least an hour of thinking every night before she can contemplate sleeping. Tell me about it! I'm usually in bed at 11 p.m every night, yet I only ever sleep at 1 a.m usually or even 1:30. What do I do in those two hours? I think, analyze, contemplate, brainstorm, etc. I'm an intense person so I can't just imagine pink clouds and go to bed. No, sir, not me. I'm a deep thinker, so it's hard. Anyway, I have about three notebooks beside my bed and a bunch of pens. I usually have amazing ideas in the middle of the night (one of them was to start a blog! look where it got me) that need to be jotted down immediately otherwise I won't sleep worrying that I'll forget them. Finally, to prove to you all that I'm totally wacko, I solve math problems in bed because it helps me sleep. No, I am not a student. No, my career has NOTHING to do with math. Yes, I solve math problems in bed. Try doing (34856 x 32888 /4 - 500) in bed on a piece of paper in semi-darkness.
(2) You know sometimes you end up having friends in life who are so sweet and kind, it's almost abnormal?! People who always take time out to ask about others, and help them, and who don't seem to carry a bad thought in their head/hearts? People who are pure, generous, caring, loving creatures who seem to be giving their all to the world? Yeah, well, when I first started this blog, I came across one of those creatures. We followed each other's blogs then met for coffee. Our first meeting proved my theory that she is probably one of the sweetest people I've ever know. Yes, I'm talking about you Shahrazad . Who knows, maybe you're evil deep down inside, but I seriously doubt it. You're one of the sweetest people I know. What was that crazy SMS conversation we had last night? It involved soap ... men ... journeys ... MAC makeup?
(3) I met a very interesting man last night. VERY interesting. Omani orphan raised by expats? He's now a middle-aged man so you can imagine how odd that must be ...
(4) This entire week the whole of Salalah has been full of ROP security check points. Some say it's standard procedure. Others say there are Somali illegal immigrants causing trouble. Anyway, I was stopped 3 times in a period of 36 hours. That's odd. I see the policemen being rough with all the cars in front of me 'Gimme that license! Why isn't your car renewed! What's this?! Who's that!', etc. They give you the look that says 'I'm tired, I'm a policeman, and I'm going to take it out on you'. HOWEVER, if you're a girl ......... that's a completely different story. He's my encounter last night:
.I'm driving through town and I see a flashing sign "ROP Security Check - Please Stop"...
Nadia pulls over .. rolls down window and looks for her driver's license and car ownership:
.Police: Good evening, my dear. How are you?
.Nadia: Oh, very well officer. And you? *flashing innocent sweet smile* Policeman melts.
.Police: As you see, it's rough and exhausting. No need to give me your license. Go ahead. Sorry if we caused any inconvenience. (trying to act cool)
.Nadia: Oh that's ok, Officer. Have a nice evening! *flashes another smile*
.It's great being a girl sometimes.
(5) I was having a conversation with Ma7feef last night about childhood crimes. I'm sure we all did something bad in our childhood that we'd rather not remember. Anyway, I was thinking about it (obviously in bed past midnight) and the only thing that came up in my mind was my evil crimes in grade nine when I was 13. It was my last year at that particular middle school before I hit high school, and the principal of my school was EVIL. When I say 'Evil' I mean evil. She used to chase girls around with scissors in case she saw loose strands on hair, etc *khuslat*. She tortured everyone in our school, including the teachers and I was determined to get my revenge before I left the school. Anyway, I spent two weeks writing an 85-line poem about her in proper 'fus7a' Arabic . On my last day at school I had printed out almost 100 copies of the poem, I went to school really early and I posted a copy up on each classroom door, including a huge colourful copy on her door. The school went into fits of hysterical laughter and the principal ended up 'arresting' several girls whom she thought had written it. I got away fortunately because I look so innocent. Only two or three friends knew about my crime. Yet over 500 people read it and enjoyed it and probably have kept copies of it. It was fun. Do I regret it? Not really.
.(6) I'm really proud of Dhofari bloggers. I don't want to discriminate between different parts of Oman, but we can't deny the fact that 99% of bloggers live in Muscat. I've only come across 4 blogs by Dhofaris. Please if you know any, send them to me! If bloggers in Dhofar can unite, then we can actually do something to serve society down here in the South (the wild wild South). Look at Bloggers Against H1N1 in Muscat! They're actually 'moving' and doing something besides hiding behind their computer monitors writing. Kudos to Bader and Muawiyah and the other Muscat bloggers who are doing something for others. As for Dhofar, I'm giving a shout-out to Ma7feef and Pepsi Diet who were brave enough to start their own blogs. Please spread the word and encourage others to start writing. As for you bloggers in Muscat, you've inspired me, and I admire you.
.Enough writing for now! Have tons of work to do.. Have a great day everyone! (PS: the photo was taken at the lookout point right before Darbat valley).
Twitter or no twitter I'm scatter brained always!
ReplyDelete#1 Tell me about it! Yeeesh! lol
#2 That's beautiful! Allah ye7fodkum =)
#3 Interesting indeed.
#4 Hahaha, now this made me laugh. I have to agree though it's awesome being a girl....sometimes!
#5 Who knew that you would do something like that...Eeeh! You do seem innocent =P
#6 Dofari bloggers are very interesting to read I have to say. I applaud you all for live-in-ing up this place. And I suggest you all keep it up *aiming this at Nadia and Pepsi Diet* =P
Lovely shot btw!
Hi Nadia. The Raw3a Anonymous is here again!
ReplyDeleteHmm.. do you know that I often go to bed at 10 pm but actually sleep at 3 am? And when I wake up to do the dawn prayer.. sleepiness flies away.
Thinking too much can be a real pain in the neck... especially if I've got 5 lectures from 8 am to 5 pm without any breaks to have lunch or even a freshing deep breath.
I'm a 20-year-old Dhofari blogger. Have been so for around 3 years. Unfortunately I don't feel like sharing my old blogs. Plus, I'm not sure if you will find my new blog interesting to read as I'm not posting in it as a Dhofari/Omani/Arab girl, but someone else (if I can say that) for a number of reasons. I will share you it when I'm done doing the modifications anyway. ;]
Take care!
20 year old Dhofari blogger?! Email me your blog when you're finished dressing it up in Dhofari makeup. dhofari.gucci@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHey Nadia,
ReplyDeleteOmani orphan raised by expats? Really? I thought that was not allowed. Maybe I'm wrong....how interesting though!
Clare, thanks for passing by! Adoption isn't allowed yet for expats. But they weren't actually 'adopted' by the man. They were raised by him. He worked for the Omani government until his death, and was buried here so I suppose he was allowed to raise the boys and care for them. He paid for their studies abroad and helped them until they were grown men. However, they inherited his estate.
ReplyDeleteHi Nadia
ReplyDeleteAm sure the Dhofari bloggers are inspired by someone called Nadia, at least myself.
Regarding serving society I have the same idea I don't know why I didn't discuss that with you!!.I am with you we have to move to do something for our community.But I think we should put our suggestions, have a discussion, then put a plan.
Umm... Ma7feef, first we need to increase the number of Dhofari bloggers. We can't have a Bloggers' meeting with just you, me, and Pepsi Diet!
ReplyDeleteDhofari Bloggers United!
ReplyDeleteNice thought!
And yea of the past-midnight-thinking I write poems, short stories..blah..blah!
#5 - LOL! Really enjoyed!
Salam Nadia, great post as usual.
ReplyDelete1) I have to try solving a math problem, Watching Tv have the same effect on me. Keeping a notebook is really a brilliant idea but why 3 notebooks and several pens!!
3)That is really interesting, does he live now in Salalah? I heared before in the times of Sultan Said, an orphan kid was adopted by a british women who raised him as christian in the UK but I'm not sure if it is a true story or not.
4)I think what ROP is doing is good, most policemen I met were nice.
5)lol that was such an amusing story, طلعتي
مش سهلة لول
As a kid, I was quite nice to everyone, I didn't like fighting but I had some and I don't regret any of the fights coz I didn't start them.However,they were few all of the them were when I was in junior high الاعدادية
6)We are proud of you too, inshallah there will be more bloggers.
note to G-chan: Arigatto gozaimashita G-chan samaaa ^^
@ 1) Re: Maths,I always thought I'd invent this alarm clock that in order to press the snooze button you needed to solve a math problem, that way you're either awake solving a math problem or awake by the loud noise drilling your eardrums. Either way, you are AWAKE! Yah, getting up early is still a daunting procedure. Even after 4 years of work, it's still a struggle!
ReplyDelete@ 2) e7m e7m.. a5jaltum tawa'6u3y! I'm flattered lady, but believe you me, I had the exact same thought before going to bed last night. I was also thinking of how "random" we met! You know what? whatever you said applies to you too, for one thing, not everyone takes the time to appreciate those around him! You do and you show it, that in itself shows what a beautiful character you have! Tell me about the txt-ing last night! Wait, is it 10Bz or 50Bz per txt to Salalah?? :p OHHH and there is something I HAVE to tell you, a txt is on it's way right after I finish posting this!
@ 4) Whateverrrr, ROP-ians are the BEST :D Seriously, we've got the most civilised police service in the gulf area, if not the middle east! A bit of flirting is OK, a good way to de-stress :p
1- same here! I think about everything that I encoutered that day at night ..
ReplyDelete2- Sistaroooooo she is a sister by fate, a friend by choice.
4- These things makes you love being a woman in the arab world :)
Ohhh and I LOVE the picture! A masterpiece...
ReplyDeleteI love Salalah and gebali.. :) Ive made many Dhofari friends at Uni <3
ReplyDeletenice topic
ReplyDeleteand iam agree with you to do something
useful for our community
not to Scandal
your brother said almshani
nice topic
ReplyDeleteand iam agree with you to do something
useful for our community
not to Scandal
your brother said almshani